The donkeys in the valley formerly....
Still present in the mountain valleys for the past generations, donkeys were doing all the work of everyday life of the small farmer, ploughing the fields, carrying the crops, transporting the wood and the manure. They were also going along with the shepherds to the pastoral villages in the summer pastures for keeping the flocks.
The donkey with its rustic, sober and calm character was the poor's horse and was settling for a little hay and seeds.
Virtually disappeared with the desertification of the ariegian valleys after war, the donkeys are back in the valley for almost twenty years to discover the Massat Country to hikers. By grazing their 30 hectares of pastures in the valley, they clean, help to maintain the landscape opening and keep the elders company, who like to see the animals.
......Until today
We are a great family, 26 Long Ears and 3 Little Ears, our donkey-drivers. Suzy and Éric like the "blacks from Pyrenees" and princess Alice prefers clearly the "white-grey", but the important thing is that we are good hikers, sure-footed in the mountain, and good friends with the children.
In summer we work a lot; we guide families in our mountains and carry their children to offer them a better view of the magnificent scenery.
Out of season, apart from some rambles to the Goutets pastures, we graze in the mountain fields, rich in flowers, we keep ourself busy with our life in the herd and have a close eye on what is happening in our valley.
In the month of september some of us have the luck to set off on an adventure with the THREE little ears in search of other remote mountains.
In winter we eat hay in a stable with free entry and exit, the little ears also give us delicacies to strengthen our health.
They have too built a new CASTLE for us, where we live since winter 2015!!
Our Training
Since a very young age we are in touch with our donkey-drivers, we follow our mum and the herd when changing fields in the valley. We learn to know our name, to be nice, to pass water, not to be afraid with unknown obstacles.
At the age of 3-4 years, the holidays are over, the serious training begins!
After some personal lessons from our drivers, we go hiking for our first season, always in the company of an experienced buddy.
The second year, when we are reassured and familiar with the children, we are able to leave alone and to guide families for finding their way.
Sale of our Donkeys
We advise you with your donkey choice. Depending on the required use, we suggest to you donkeys adapted in age and knowledge for trekking, gardening or accompanying childrens.
We offer an introductory course and you can also try your future donkey with a several days trek.
Our donkeys are identified, chipped, dewormed, prepared and healthy.